Virtual Campus


    The Virtual Campus project provides an original approach to training and updating dedicated to teachers, students and professionals. It offers interactive online resources and didactic material organized as coherent learning paths within a web platform.

     With Virtual Campus, the user has access to an extremely rich and continually updated online archive of realistic images, multimedia lectures, three-dimensional models, videos, animations, exercises and glossaries, as well as evaluation and self-evaluation tests.


    • Mini-lectures
    • Interactive atlas: stratigraphic approach to cavities and spaces
    • Living (CT and rendering) and virtual (3D reconstruction sliders) anatomy to compare different views
    • Living anatomy: videos (endoscopy, ultrasound)
    • Dissection anatomy
    • Interaction with 3D molecular structures
    • Several kinds of self-assessment tests
      • Multiple choice
      • True/False
      • Ordering sequences and others
    • Interactive laboratories
    • Opportunities for group work or individual learning

    Click here to insert your code and access to the plataform.
