Aortic ComplexitiesAortic Complexities

    Germano Melissano and Roberto Chiesa (eds)

    English edition - Volume 24 x 28.5 cm - Hardcover - Pages 528 - Richly illustrated in colour

    ISBN 978-88-7051-663-0

    Price € 65,00

    Treatments for aortic diseases have undergone explosive advances in the last decade. So too has our understanding of aortic disease processes. This progress in understanding and available treatments has come with the cost of increasing complexity.
    Roberto Chiesa and Germano Melissano have edited a unique jewel of a book which deals with the many complexities of these advances in the pathogenesis of aortic diseases, their endovascular and open treatments and the management of treatment complications.
    This volume, entitled Aortic Complexities, contains chapters by all those international innovators and thought leaders who have contributed the most to recent improvements in the management of aortic diseases. Accordingly it should be an invaluable up-to-date source of information for any physician or surgeon whose interests are focused on the aorta.
    Drs. Chiesa and Melissano, who themselves are super stars in the aortic arena, have held a highly esteemed biannual International Vascular Congress which is focused largely, although not entirely, on the aorta and its treatment. This year’s 2018 Congress, which will attract well over 1000 experts and delegates, is the eighth in the series and is entitled, “Aortic Surgery/ Peripheral & Venous: How to Do It”. This volume on Aortic Complexities is published in conjunction with this 2018 Congress. Although the meeting will tell vascular surgeons, cardiac surgeons and others interested in these areas much about ‘how to do it’, it will also provide other valuable and relevant associated information. So too will Aortic Complexities in keeping with the favorably reviewed and widely referenced previous volumes comprising this outstanding series of books that deal with all aspects of the aorta, its diseases and their treatment.
    Professor Chiesa and Professor Melissano are to be congratulated for bringing together the leading experts in the aortic arena to produce a text which provides a cutting-edge view of the current state of the art in aortic diseases and their treatment. Aortic Complexities will be a must-have volume for all libraries and for all those interested in the aorta, its newer treatments and associated complexities.

    New York, December 2018

    Potential readers – Cardiac surgeons, vascular surgeons.

    Aortic Complexities Aortic Complexities - Digital edition
