Sports Massage & Complementary TechniquesSports Massage & Complementary Techniques

Claudio Zimaglia

Volumes 21 x 27 cm - Paperback - Pages 384 -Richly illustrated in full colour

ISBN 978-88-7051-521-3

Price € 60,00

Sports massage and complementary techniques is a theoretical and practical introduction to the application of basic massage manoeuvres in combination with complementary techniques, such as joint mobilisation, muscle release and myofascial stretching.

After a fascinating look at the history of massage, the book goes on to explore in depth aspects of anatomy, physiology and muscular pathology; the first part ends with a description of different aspects of sports massage: principles, mechanisms of action, properties, indications and techniques.

The second part, highly practical and illustrated with numerous series of photographs, is devoted to applied techniques and it is divided into sections for different body areas: each section covers both basic sports massage techniques and complementary joint mobilisation and stretching techniques.

The volume is enriched by a video section – 52 videos – on massage techniques.

Potential readers – Specialists in physical medicine, orthopaedics specialists, physiotherapists, nurses, masseurs.

Video sample

Sports Massage & Complementary Techniques Sports Massage & Complementary Techniques - digital edition